getting started

Six reasons why it's never too late to do what matters

Six reasons why it's never too late to do what matters

Has this ever happened to you? You have grand plans but then they get pushed aside as days, then months, then years disappear. Have you let something slide because you figured it was too late to do it? The truth is, it's never to late to do something that matters to you. Here are six reasons to believe that it’s never too late.

Where to start when you don't know where to start

Where to start when you don't know where to start

So. You want to work on being more creative everyday. You want to establish a creative practice, you want to jump in on those projects you've been dreaming about. But you have no idea where to start. Should you take a class? Should you start a 30-day challenge? Should you ask your friend for help? Should you just start messing around and see what happens? The choices spin around in your mind and, day after day, you do nothing. It's too hard.Starting is the hardest part of any project or practice. And when there is no clear starting point, it's even harder. Here are some ideas on identifying what exactly is making it so hard to get started, and what to do about it.